Family, Health and wellbeing, Melbourne, Writing

Here’s to 2020

The ending of each year is a time when a lot of people take stock of their lives. We look back over the good times, the challenging moments and, as the clock strikes twelve o’clock, we make decisions about doing better, trying harder, throughout the incoming year.

I normally don’t see in a new year. I see little point in staying up until midnight, simply to chant Happy New Year, then head to bed. Last night, however, Hubster and I, along with our crew, were invited to a friend’s place for a mini-celebration. It was a fun night, as  time with friends should be. We laughed, talked, ate and drank…of course! Many glasses of bubbles were consumed, and I woke this morning with a very sore head.

Now, as I write, I think over 2019. It wasn’t our best year. I’ve noted previously on my blog that 2019 was tough, but, as I’ve also written, we’ve come through it. Somehow. However, I really hope that stellar times are ahead for Hubster and me, and our cherubs. And I hope the same for you and yours, too.

Thanks for reading, commenting and following my stories and posts. I look forward to more opportunities to connect with you in 2020.




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