Health and wellbeing, Opinion

A New Year’s Resolution

It's that time of year again. The time when a lot of us pledge to lose weight, drink less alcohol and more water, join a gym, learn to ride a horse or play the piano, eat healthier food, change jobs, change partners, leave the world a better place. Take a moment now to ponder what… Continue reading A New Year’s Resolution

Opinion, Writing


Resilience is one of those current buzz words. I read blog posts, books and newsletters, all of which advocate the importance of resilience. I hear psychologists, doctors, teachers, academics all talk about building resilience. And I agree. It is an important characteristic; it's the ability to bounce back. A lot can go awry in life… Continue reading Resilience

Health and wellbeing, Opinion

Politics in the Hair Salon

I am typing this post with gorgeous hair. It sounds egotistical, but it isn't meant that way. You see, I am returned from a well-overdue trip to my hairdresser. I paid a great price for this tint and the highlights, and I'm not talking in the monetary sense alone, although many of you would be… Continue reading Politics in the Hair Salon


Not me too

I don't know what is wrong with the world anymore. It's not that it is spinning too fast. It is not the lead-up to Christmas, although that impacts at this time of year. For me, I feel more as though everyone is angry; no one can voice their opinion without being verbally attacked through social… Continue reading Not me too


A Christmas Carol…please?

Last evening, I went to the Christmas concert - ahem, sorry, that should be the End-of-Year concert - at my children's public primary school. It's not my first concert at the school, closer to my fifth I reckon, but each year it's becoming incrementally less Christmas-y. Now, I'm no raging Christian. In fact, by any… Continue reading A Christmas Carol…please?