Family, Fiction, Melbourne, Movies, Parenting, Relationship and marriage, Weather

Mum and Me

'OK, that's enough, now,' Mum said. I was sobbing. My heart felt heavy, too big, like it was pushing against my ribs. 'Dry the tears. Not going to help anything to spend the day hiding and crying.' Using a tissue I wiped the wetness from my cheeks. I sniffed. Looked at Mum. 'Thanks, Mum. For… Continue reading Mum and Me

Family, Melbourne, Movies, Parenting, TV shows, Writing


Last night, Our Girl asked if we could watch a movie together sometime today. I quickly said yes; I have completed all my current contract work, and Tuesdays are a non-work day in my permanent part-time role. Perfect! I caught a glimpse of a lazy, fun-filled day, wearing trackies and slippers, snuggled under a blanket… Continue reading Today

Fiction, Melbourne, Movies, Writing

The interview

'Journalist,' I say, jutting my chin high. 'Can I get through please?' The crowd has swelled from the city building into the street. Minutes earlier, I had pushed my way to the front, only to bump into the chest of this mountain man. The badge weaved into his shirt reads KEEP SAFE SECURITY. He looks… Continue reading The interview

Family, Fiction, Health and wellbeing, Movies, Parenting, Relationship and marriage, Uncategorized, Writing

Run to Paradise

I'd been on holiday for two weeks before it hit me. This wasn't a holiday. I was escaping an ordinary life. I'd run to paradise (the song was on auto-play in my head constantly) to distract myself from laundry and lunches. And love. The three Ls. Here in Fiji, on the beach, it was easy… Continue reading Run to Paradise

Family, Melbourne, Movies, Parenting, TV shows, Writing

School holiday movie time

Here in Melbourne, I'm at the end of the first week of school holidays, and I'm about to head out for one of our regular activities. Yes, the movies. Our Girl is still at the netball holiday program, so it's T1 and T2, plus one of their school friends to see Shazam. I remember the… Continue reading School holiday movie time