Family, Health and wellbeing

Dreams of being…

What do you want to be when you grow up? This question plagued me throughout my childhood. I didn't know the answer. Unlike seemingly everyone around me, I held no clue to my own skills, talents and dreams. I moved from wanting to be a famous actress, to an ice-skater (it doesn't EVER snow in… Continue reading Dreams of being…

Family, Fiction, Health and wellbeing, Parenting, Writing

Guilt as propeller

Guilty. Guilty as charged. But of what? We are all guilty of something. Some of us hide a dirty secret; some are guilty of fibbing to save a friend's feelings, others might be guilty of actual crimes or heinous acts. For even others, the thought of owning their guilt is so terrifying, they point the… Continue reading Guilt as propeller

Family, Health and wellbeing, Opinion, Parenting

Morning Madness

I have watched my day gradually disappear. I've fiddled with a bit of writing here and there. I've enjoyed a coffee with friends, catching up on news and our lives. I've made after-school snacks for the kids. This morning, before school drop-off, was not the finest moment in my house. There were tears, shouts, fights,… Continue reading Morning Madness


The accident (short story)

'What have you done?' The young woman sits with her head in her hands, her elbows rest on her knees. Tears fall. Every part of her body burns and pulsates. 'Nothing that hasn't been done before,' she hears the male voice say. 'Really?' her voice cracks. She lifts her head, her gaze holds his eyes… Continue reading The accident (short story)


Life and love and a wedding

On Saturday night, wearing my pyjamas and with prosecco in hand, I watched the Royal Wedding. I thought the whole shindig was classy and stylish. The day itself was magnificent: those clear blue skies and lush green surrounds, juxtaposed against the grey hues of the medieval castle provided a stunning backdrop as royals and celebrities… Continue reading Life and love and a wedding