Melbourne, Parenting, Writing

What I’ve been up to

What a rush these past few weeks have been for me. Hubster's been away---and will be for another two weeks---leaving me with all home-based responsibilities. Luckily (in a way) I've been working from home, which means I can keep a close eye on the children and their online school lessons, do my job and keep… Continue reading What I’ve been up to

Fiction, Melbourne, Writing

Day in the Office

'We're going to have to bring in more robust practices to chase debts,' said Cherie. Brent nodded. As the accounts manager, he felt some responsibility. Of course he did. But it was Cherie's business and there'd been many times when he'd returned home after a day in the office, astonished over her processes. 'There's far… Continue reading Day in the Office

Melbourne, Opinion, Writing

End of

The trail of happiness and freedom has ended. In forty minutes (as I write these words) I begin work again, after a wonderful three-week break. I've got the end-of-holidays jitters, my belly feels like mush, liquid sloshing about, my head corralling thoughts and ideas for topics and content. I am grateful to have a job,… Continue reading End of

Family, Fiction, Health and wellbeing, Melbourne, Parenting, Relationship and marriage, Writing

Visiting Dad

'What's with all the ruckus?' Dad's angry, I can tell. His face is red and if he was a cartoon character, there'd be steam coming out his ears. He pushes back his chair with such force it tips over and leaves me in the kitchen to investigate. My younger brothers are fighting in their room.… Continue reading Visiting Dad

Family, Melbourne, Movies, Parenting, TV shows, Writing


Last night, Our Girl asked if we could watch a movie together sometime today. I quickly said yes; I have completed all my current contract work, and Tuesdays are a non-work day in my permanent part-time role. Perfect! I caught a glimpse of a lazy, fun-filled day, wearing trackies and slippers, snuggled under a blanket… Continue reading Today