
The Forecast Here

I am here in my local library, while T2 has private tutoring. His brother has come along as well, to play on the computer for the hour.

After two days of weather forecast in the 40s, we are experiencing a more bearable expected high of around 26°C, although there is a reasonably high humidity percentage along with that. Just as well, I nearly expired yesterday. I avoided going out, but the inside temp was almost unbearable. As long as I didn’t move, I was fine.

Here in the library, it is pleasant. I can hear T2’s tutor behind me, instructing him patiently but persistently. I can see T1, he’s on my left, lost in the computer. I should walk over to see what sort of nonsense he’s up to. But…well, I don’t want to make a fuss in a public library, so I’ll give him a long leash.

For T2, I am confident that, in spite of everything he’s up against, the forecast for his future is fine, sunny, bright. He’s a great kid, with a fabulous sense of humour, and a cracking slice of creativity too. He’s very far behind in his learning, but Hubster and I continue to do everything within our power to encourage him, so that he can make up some ground. For the lack, I will make sure he is armed with the arsenal of a healthy self-esteem, knowledge that he is enough just as he is, and the power in awareness of skills in areas other than academia.

T2 loves to draw and he’s very good at it. He loves Spiderman and his hero is Stan Lee. On his passing recently, T2 wanted to watch every Spiderman movie and scanned carefully for Lee’s cameos in each. It is people like Lee, I think anyway, who can motivate children who do not fall into the expected norms with their schooling. I believe that T2’s skills in drawing and being creative can set him up perfectly for a positive future.

Over eleven years ago, when readying myself for the twins’ birth, I never realised how tricky the road ahead would be. I knew, of course, that one can never prepare for parenthood, and that parents make up the rules as their children develop. But, as we’ve navigated our way through learning difficulties, and a recent diagnosis of ADHD, I have never despaired for him. He is strong and connected in our love and acceptance. And while I know that is enough, I also realise that it isn’t enough. There will be times in his life where he will need more. But I will always aid and guide him.

So for me, today, forecast means a great deal. On a superficial level, I can get through the day without a dose of heat exhaustion. On a deeper level, I know that my family, my boy especially, is fine and dandy.

Happy ‘Straya Day to you all!


13 thoughts on “The Forecast Here”

  1. I used comic books to help one of my foster’s with dyslexia – it helped him enjoy reading, and then the dysgraphia became less when he started to create pictograms! More than one way to make a story!

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  2. Twinsies 🙂 so cute. I really don’t think I will ever be prepared for parenthood, sometimes i get frustrated at my bunny which I consider as my son, so not looking forward to that but thankful for these tidbits . It’ll all make sense later on, hopefully.

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